
Accueil Fleche Fil d'ariane  Marc Dorcel GroupDorcel Fleche Fil d'ariane  Marc Dorcel GroupResponsibilities


Social responsibility

- Strict compliance with local regulation (copyrights, protection of minors, etc.).

- Starting and financing of a deontological charter for French X-rated production.

- 100% safe sex in audiovisual production.

- Strict guidelines for all broadcast content.

- Caring social environment.

- Development of regulations for sex accessories, in cooperation with AFNOR.

- Charity and social action support (Hospital Foundation, public MAP centres...).


Protection of minors

- Discussions in collaboration with the public and private institutions involved (GESTE, CSA, ARCEP, etc.).

- Research and implementation of various solutions for proof of majority on all the group's platforms (bank card verification, official documents, or Artificial Intelligence).


Commitments to customers

- Clear commercial offers without misleading practices.

- Confidentiality, respect for privacy and protection of personal data (no secondary use).


Commitments to our employees

- Family business where human values and personal development are key.

- A brand that is generous and caring towards its teams, as well as towards its customers and partners.